Ultion Smart Lock
Ultion Smart Lock

This allows you to with the press of a button or using your voice unlock your door. There is also distance technology that as you approach your home it will automatically unlock the door and re lock the door as you leave home.
You can remotely give people access to the door and remove there access as required. You can text or email the person whom is at your home and allow them to lock and unlock the high security lock as required. As a locksmith who as worked with smart locks for the past few years this is one I actually have on my own home.
Great additions to the security of this lock is the ability to check your door is locked when out. Also even add a key pad so people can enter using a code like that on commercial buildings.
Because this is Ultion it is the best in its class allowing a Key override should the battery’s die (unlikely as it keeps you aware of your battery levels) But as we all know some times we wait to long. The Ultion lock is the High Security WXM TS007 3 star lock with diamond standard.
Some of the features available are:
Auto lock
Twist Assist
Hold back Latch
Phone proximity unlock / lock
The Ultion smart lock battery’s are designed to last 1.5 year and are 4 simple battery’s to change by the user.
Air B&B’s are having these fitted now to allow the guest access remotely and remove there access to the home / hotel as require with the press of a button. So no waiting up on a night for your guest to arrive as you can send them the key at a time to suit your self.
The key point that set this out from the rest for me are:
Option for key override
Long Battery life
Apple compatible
Proximity Unlock and Lock
For more information visit us @ https://www.lockforce.co.uk/locksmith/Grimsby/
Or call 01482 298002 / 07740003187
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ultion smart lock